
March 20, 2015

Wow. I’ve been writing about boogers and poop for over 4 years now. When I first joined the mommy-blog world, my 1st born was 2 and I had a baby. Then that baby eventually turned 2 and I had another baby. Now THAT baby is 2. And he is BOOGERY.

What’s the best part of having a boogery 2-year old? It’s not the realization that the entire crib needs to be cleaned when he wakes up: blankets, sheets, stuffed bunny, and all wood parts that are crusty with boogers. It is not when he sneezes Oatmeal all over the kitchen table and proudly declares “Uh-oh. Yuckies, Mommy.” Truly, Mommy’s favorite aspect of a 2-year old with a cold is the fact that she must transform herself into a stealth ninja to wipe his face. This is necessary as he finds great joy in seeing Mommy come at him with a tissue and running in the opposite direction. The 2-inch booger swings to and fro from his left nostril as he runs laps in the kitchen, laughing hysterically at his mommy’s inability to catch him. She then must crouch down on her hands and knees behind the couch and hide, tricking him into passing her as he continues this game of cat and mouse. 10 seconds pass, and then haha! She got you! The face is wiped and is now clean for the next 3 minutes until this process is repeated.

Best part of 2-year old boogerfest: Stealth Ninja Mommy.


Photo credit: My phone. My kid. My playroom.

2 thoughts on “Boogerboy vs. the Ninja

  1. Haha! I know all too well how ninja-like we need to be with yucky boogie noses!

    1. Karen says:

      Thanks for reading Heather! I love your blog title — Sounds a lot like my life. I will check it out!

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