In a sea of books that fall within the “parenthood humor” category, this one stands out. This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things is the perfect title for a book about the chaos, the exhaustion, and the beauty of parenthood. Written from dad’s perspective, Clint Edwards truly has been on both sides of the fence—he’s been […]

I wish I had more control over this. I wish I had more control over their bodily fluids. (Actually I wish they had more control of their bodily fluids.) I wish I had more control over my reactions to the news that said bodily fluids have exited their bodies, an event that necessitates my wiping them, […]

This is a story of a confused new mom who was in trouble. She was blindsided by the quiet and suffocating loneliness of motherhood’s first year. She was shocked at how, despite thinking she was so busy, in actuality, the days were endless. By 10 a.m. most days she felt despair creeping up around her shoulders, as she […]